My lil' daughter is now fine thanks to my neighbour whom helped to heal her from her problem to sleep in the nite.
I am currently waiting for a frame to arrive and will sell it once it arrive, it is a Gary Fisher GED jump frame.

At first i wish to build another bike but i think i will put it aside as i am planning to convert my Scirocco to Single speed. I wish to focus in handling than other, after falling each time i visit PCP, i knew i am still lack of knowledge and skill to control my body.
Here is some pics of my latest ride session at PCP on 9/2/08, there was Lie, me, Rudy, Lah, Flat and later Ober and his bro joined us.
I have went to PCP 2 days earlier with Khayal but he was injured quite badly and didn't join us.
While the others enjoying the DH trail with the berms and small table tops, i was alone at the Dirt jump area, i done few jumps and it was OK until i fall and smashed my left body, it was really hard that my full face helmet have a deep slash on it. My vision faded for 2 seconds, and really, the fall made me forgot for a while how to jump, i gained back my how-to-jump memory after a nice hot shower back at home that day. It was a weird feeling to forget something i have done repeatedly, that is why after the tabletop, I cant land my rear tires during the 17ft distance jump attempt, i felt hesitated to take the jump but i forced myself. There was buzzing sound inside my brain at that time, still, i continued and luckily i didn't fell.
As in pic, Flat take-off are great, he gained distance, speed and control.
As for me, i didn't pedal at all, after the fall, i decided to scan the jump first by passing thru the jump. Maybe next time cos my head was buzzing at the moment due to the crash at the DJ area. I got some bruises at my butt at shoulder, luckily i wore my knee/shin and elbow guard, it will be more disastrous if i didn't.
All the jumping, bashing and hehehe shouting to burn other riders heart to jump suddenly everyhting ended when a rider crashed and suffered a dislocated shoulder, he pulled the front brake hard, that is what triggered the disastrous fall.
Later, the next day, i decided to sell off my SRAM X9 set to convert my bike to SS. I wish to concentrate on skill development than thinking which gear i should be running, so I bought the kit at Fook Sang Sunway today and currently my X9 have been reserved for a Johor rider.
Here is what's needed for the 9 to 1 conversion:-

1) Da bomb RL-4 chain tensioner, due to the scirocco vertical rear dropout, a chain tensioner is needed as it is the method to minimize the chain slapping. Unlike horizontal dropout which is easy to adjust.

2) The 9 to 1 conversion kit.
I sold my chainguide to Lie. Will have it installed today at Yoong's Ampang and will update with more pics later.
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